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10 Creative Writing Prompts for Kids
(40 Free Printable Worksheets)

Get your elementary and middle school students writing with these fun Creative Writing Prompts for kids. These printable worksheets are great for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. Here are my 10 best creative writing prompts for kids, plus a bonus story starter worksheet!

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2. My Weird Alien

What kid doesn't like aliens? Harness students' imagination to get them writing. This activity could be used as a brainstorm for a creative writing story. Or a fun time-filler for students who finish their assignment early. Regardless, the results will be hilarious I'm sure!

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3. What If...

The side-splitting possibilities are endless with these writing prompts. Students will have a blast imagining a strange new world. The best part? They'll be writing up a storm!

The worksheet's back has a space for students to draw.

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4. My Wacky Diary

With this writing prompt, students will imagine a day in the life of an inanimate object. This creative writing exercise encourages out-of-the-box thinking. The sillier the better!

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5. Simile Chain

This writing prompt requires a bit of modeling from the teacher. After students understand the formula, it's off to the races! Students will get a ton of practice writing their own similes. It's great application after a figurative speech lesson.

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6. Nastiest Sandwich in the World

Not for those with sensitive stomachs, but so, so fun. I did this in a writing workshop, and kids loved it! Definitely set clear expectations (school-appropriate please!) and review their recipes before anyone reads aloud. Students will get excellent practice writing sequential steps through their recipe instructions.

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7. If I Were...

Students are the heroes in these writing prompts. They will imagine what they'd do in an intense or down right goofy scenario. The "If I Were" prompts lend themselves to narrative writing practice. Plus, the back has space for a drawing.

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8. My Invention

Students solve a problem by coming up with their own invention. The sky is the limit. This writing exercise works well as a brainstorm before students write a persuasive essay or advertisement.

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10. My Toy Story

Students make up a character backstory for an ordinary toy. Even better if you bring in a bucket of toys for students to pull one randomly! This fun activity will get kids so excited, they won't even realize they're writing.

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BONUS: Roll-a-Story

Since you made it this far, here's a treat! Let fate decide the backbone of your students' creative writing story. Students roll a die three times to determine their character, setting, and conflict.

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